Are reviews good or bad for the high end escorts industry?

are reviews good or bad for the escorts industry?

Reviews in the high end escorts industry

Reviews are a divisive topic in the high end escorts industry. 

It can spark fierce arguments online, trolling, hostility and other strong reactions. There are different perspectives about reviews of escort services, and the role it serves. I will be exploring here the different sides of the argument. 

Reviews for escort girls and high class escorts agencies have existed since their inception, and it is safe to say that they will always be around. This is not to say that they are always welcomed by the reviewed parties. Reviews can be written or they can be spoken, and they try to describe the experience of a service the reviewer have received. In this context, it would be the experience of booking an escort girl and everything related to her appearance, her performance and the final verdict. 

With huge progress in technology, escort reviews are no longer published on paper but published online in punter forums, accessible to literally billions of the world's population. They are also archived by the punting client review forums for posterity to read. In permanent digital form, escort reviews have a more lasting effect and anyone can type up reviews with access to the internet.

Why reviews are bad for the escorts industry

1. Anyone can publish escort reviews online and this makes it easy to falsify reviews

Advancement in technology allows virtually anyone to have access to the internet and type up reviews for the world to see.
The purpose of escort reviews is to relay valuable information about the services provided and also to influence other clients decision before booking with a particular escort service. However, since anyone can publish reviews, they do not need to book an escort, nor do they need to have the client's best interest in mind.
Many published reviews in the escorts industry were written by people who have not booked an escort. Many published reviews were also written with the intention to mislead.
False reviews is a major problem in the escorts industry and the fact that they cannot be eradicated makes this matter worse. 
Genuine, high quality escort service providers are drowned out by the noise from false escort reviews. This deluge of false information only harms the escort industry because clients are misled and the genuine escort businesses are hurt.

2. The intention behind escort reviews is to mislead

Now we examine the intentions behind people writing the escort reviews and why this is harmful for the high end escorts industry.

The high end escorts industry sell luxury experiences to a smaller group of clients (who can afford the luxury prices) and it is fiercely competitive. It is not uncommon for escorts to write reviews themselves, in order to drum up business, and to pressure clients to write glowing reviews about them. The point of reviews is to give an accurate picture of the escort services, whether good or bad. Escorts and clients know the power of reviews and they want to be able to control the content of the review.
Thus, these reviews promote unfairness and unethical business behaviour.
There are bad actors in every industry and some people will publish reviews just to undermine the competition or to hold power over others. This is toxic in the high end escorts industry.

3. The reviews are unnecessarily explicit, obscene and misogynist

There are reviewers who publish very obscene and abusive reviews which do not add any value for readers.
These mention sex acts in explicit detail or they degrade the escort service provider. 
This is both harmful to the escorts reviewed (because so much intimate detail is revealed and being described in degrading terms), and for readers who are exposed to this normalization of misogyny.
Reviews talk about real people, who have feelings and dignity. No other business would accept being reviewed this way, so why should escorts accept it?
What these reviews communicate is harmful and inhumane.

4. Reviews are subjective and cannot be trusted

All reviews of escorts services are subjective, which means that they cannot be trusted to be objective.
When a client meets an escort, his state of mind may not be clear, his memory be faulty and he may be biased...there are a plethora of reasons why subjective reviews cannot be taken seriously. At best, reviews about escort girls and agencies have to be taken with a pinch of salt because the writer is an untrustworthy source of information.
If the escorts industry relied on such subjective reviews they would not make any progress to provide better services. They will just be at the whim of unreliable reviews.

5. Standards are different for everyone- there is no system in place to write a review 

There is no universally accepted guideline for writing a review, no agreed structure or grade for the services received.
For example, we all know that beauty standards differ; one escort rated 3 for appearance may be rated 7 by another client. This is very hard to decipher what the reviews mean. If everyone have different perspectives about the same escort, this makes it impossible to gauge what reviews are reliable. It is best not to have reviews at all.
Another striking example is the grading of escort services; some clients refer to GFE services as being very vanilla, or plain, but for another client, this may be a very adventurous experience.

No review can agree on the standard of service received; you have reviews that rate an escort badly because certain services were not included, but for another client, they are not interested in the same services. A GFE escort service rated badly by a client expecting a PSE, or porn star experience, would be given a different rating by a client seeking GFE services. 
There are no guidelines for grading an escort on appearance, services, manner, personality and value for money. Every individual writing a review have different standards in their head and this causes too much confusion.

Why reviews are good for the escorts industry

1. Reviews help to improve escort services

The entire purpose of having escort reviews is to give constructive criticism and encourage escorts to improve their performance. The high end escort industry is very competitive, so being successful requires a reality check about one's services.

By reading escort reviews, escorts can:

-identify areas where their appearance can in improved, for instance, if their choice of outfit or grooming is being criticized, they can make an effort to change it. Appearance and visual presentation is very important in the high end escorts industry, so an escort must try to make their clients happy, to retain them as regular business.

-see how they can upgrade their environment for incall bookings. Clients often comment on the escort's incall location in reviews, they comment on the ease of finding it, parking, discretion of the location and how clean it is. These constructive criticism can help escorts make their incall environment as welcoming to clients as possible. When escorts lose bookings as a result of their unkempt, badly maintained incall location, this is an easy adjustment they can make to improve it.

-learn about their communication style with client through review feedback; some escorts are excellent at communication, and those who are not, can easily improve it. 

-find out how their services are graded by clients. Services is an integral part of escort reviews and will determine if a client returns. If the services are not good, the review may provide hints as to why this is, and what the client expectations are. In the services industry, the client is king. Meeting their expectations is key to client retention and more cash flow.

-gauge how effective their marketing efforts are; if their profile is attracting the right type of clients seeking the services they provide. It also gives them a clue about where other escorts may be directing their advertising efforts.

-gauge if they are priced correctly for the escorts market. A high end escort service have to meet high expectations. Reviews will give a verdict about the value for money, which is very important for the escort to see. In London, for example, prices above £300 an hour are considered elite, and clients do have higher expectations in terms of the escort's appearance and level of service. An impersonal, cold service at this price level would be bad value for money. A service that is very limited, would also be rated poorly. 

-compare themselves to other escort competitors. Escort reviews are very useful to see how other escorts in similar price ranges and providing similar services fare. Since the high end escorts industry is competitive, being outstanding will attract more clients. It is important to be perceived as being better value for money compared to competition, and for clients to identify the top performers in the industry.

2. Escort reviews are helpful for clients to identify the top performers and those they should avoid

Escort reviews reward escorts who are the top performers in their industry, and they sort the wheat from the chaff for clients.
Clients using escort services really have no other guidance when booking escorts. Escort reviews give them a point of reference that can help them make better decisions.

Escorts with consistently great reviews are usually the most reliable, because many clients can cross reference and see that there is an agreement about the services provided. Reading these reviews will help clients understand why the services are good, and what they can expect when they book the same escort. Much like the travel/hotel/restaurants ratings system, it gives them an idea of what the escort looks like, the menu of services available, and her personality, as well as the experience itself. Of course, no client should expect their experience to be identical, but it is a good start. 

Escorts with neutral reviews suggest that the booking could be good or bad, depending on the day the client books. There is more risk with these escorts, but some clients may see it as a 'Marmite,' challenge -you either love it or hate it kind of experience. And then, escorts with consistently bad reviews are often bad value for money and the reviews are a deterrent for new clients. 
By putting the spotlight on great service providers, and shunning 'bad escorts,' the escort reviews system promotes meritocracy where the most deserving escorts win.

3. Escort reviews published on reputable review sites are trusted more 

It can be said that escort reviews published on sites with stricter guidelines are more trusted  by the escorting community. These reviews were published to give a more accurate view of the services. They are not false reviews published by the escorts themselves nor are they random reviews that provide no value. You can see that some escort reviewers are well respected in the industry and their words hold more weight, just like some well known restaurant or film critique. They may have had more experience booking escorts, and can provide great value in their reviews, such as insights and opinions about the service provider. This is healthy for the high end escorts industry overall, because clients must have a voice demanding better escort services. 

There are so many escort advertisements promising everything to clients, and they can mislead clients into paying for bad escort services. 

4. Escort reviews will always exist alongside escort services. It is not healthy to suppress them

Published escort reviews are an exercise in the freedom of speech as long as they do not incite violence, hate or illegal behaviours.
The fact is, escort reviews will always exist. The escorts business is a services business so people will always be interested to know if they will get their value for money. 
Suppressing escort reviews is not healthy overall for the escorts industry because it needs good business practice and clientele to flourish. If clients are dissatisfied with their escort booking, they have every right to voice their opinion. It is a buyers market after all. 

5. Escorts can publish rebuttals of negative, or unfair reviews

Some escort review sites and forums allow escorts to respond and refute any of the points in their review. This is great for the escorts industry because escorts voices must be heard when they feel they have been treated unfairly. It is also a reminder for clients with malicious intentions that they can be exposed publicly and that they do not hold all the power. 


In conclusion, it can be seen that escort reviews have both positive and negative sides to them. While people can abuse their rights to pen harmful escort reviews, escort reviews can also identify and reward the top performers in the escorts industry. It is a double edged sword. One thing is for certain, escorts reviews will always exist in the high end escorts industry, although subjecting them to stricter controls could be helpful. By removing falsified reviews and giving escorts a chance of rebuttal for negative reviews, it would encourage a fairer industry where both escort and clients voices are heard.


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